Wipe – When an entire team is defeated.

Wipe – When an entire team is defeated.

Glossary Entry: Wipe – When an Entire Team is Defeated


Welcome, intrepid gamer, to the whimsical world of "wipes." No, we’re not talking about the things you use to clean your glasses or freshen up a baby’s bottom. In gaming, a "wipe" is an event that can send shivers down your spine and make you want to throw your controller through the screen. So, buckle up for a hilarious ride as we dive into the tragicomic universe of team annihilation!

How a Nerd Would Describe It (Easy Description)

"A wipe is when your entire team gets destroyed, obliterated, or otherwise eliminated in a game, usually resulting in a collective facepalm and a chorus of ‘Well, that sucked.’"


In multiplayer games, particularly in the realms of MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games), MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) games, and FPS (First-Person Shooter) games, a wipe is an unfortunate event where every member of a team is defeated. This can happen due to various reasons like poor strategy, miscommunication, bad luck, or that one teammate who just can’t seem to dodge an attack.

Imagine you’re in a dungeon raid, fighting a giant dragon. Youโ€™ve got your tank (the brave soul taking all the hits), your DPS (Damage Per Second) heroes whittling away the dragon’s health, and your healer keeping everyone alive. Suddenly, the dragon decides it’s time for a massive fiery breath attack. Your tank misses his block, the DPS heroes are too busy admiring their own damage numbers, and the healer is AFK (Away From Keyboard) because their cat jumped on their lap. The result? A wipe. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ

Other Similar Words Nerds Use

  • Total Party Kill (TPK): Mostly used in tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons.
  • Full Team Wipe: Just another way to emphasize the totality of the disaster.
  • Team Annihilation: For those who like their terminology dramatic.
  • Squad Elimination: Common in battle royale games.

๐Ÿ‘ Correct Usage

"When the boss unleashed his ultimate attack and no one dodged it, we experienced a wipe."

๐Ÿ›‘ Wrong Usage

"I spilled my soda on the keyboard, so we had a wipe." (That’s just a spill, buddy.)

โž• Advantages

  • Learning Experience: Wipes can be great for learning what NOT to do next time. Think of it as tough love from the gaming gods.
  • Team Bonding: Shared suffering can build camaraderie. Nothing says friendship like collectively yelling at your screens.
  • Hilarious Stories: Years later, you’ll be laughing about "that one time we all died because Steve was on a bathroom break."

โž– Disadvantages

  • Frustration: Repeated wipes can be infuriating. You might want to invest in a stress ball.
  • Time-Consuming: Wiping means you have to start over, which can be a huge time sink.
  • Resource-Draining: In some games, resources like health potions and mana can be wasted during wipes, making subsequent attempts harder.


Q: Why do wipes happen so often?
A: Usually, wipes occur due to poor strategy, lack of communication, or simply being under-leveled or under-geared for the challenge.

Q: Can wipes be prevented?
A: While not entirely avoidable, better coordination, communication, and preparation can minimize the chances of a wipe.

Q: Are wipes exclusive to any particular type of game?
A: Mostly found in team-based games such as MMORPGs, MOBAs, and FPS games, but the concept can appear in any multiplayer environment.

Q: Do professional gamers experience wipes?
A: Absolutely! Even the pros are not immune to the occasional catastrophic failure. The difference is they usually learn from it faster.


In the end, a wipe is just part of the gaming experience. While it can be incredibly frustrating, it also offers valuable lessons and hilarious stories. Remember, every wipe is a step closer to mastering the game. So, the next time your team faces annihilation, take a deep breath, laugh it off, and get ready to dive back in. After all, what doesn’t kill you (permanently) makes you stronger! ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽฎ

So, there you have it, a laugh-filled journey through the world of wipes. May your future gaming endeavors be more successful, or at the very least, more entertaining! ๐Ÿ˜‚โœจ


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